Friday, June 02, 2023


Darth Caldoth was a Sith Lord who lived during the Old Republic-era, when the Sith openly ruled the galaxy. He was a writer and authored the book "The Bestiary of Darth Caldoth." At one point, Darth Caldoth and his apprentice, Ry Nymbis, were considered the most powerful individuals in the galaxy. For decades, Darth Caldoth's campaign of terror ran almost unchecked. Many Jedi pitched themselves against Darth Caldoth, and most never returned. Many legends are told of Caldoth's power, including the time Caldoth killed his own apprentice with a Sith ritual that turned the young Twi'lek's body into stone. Another tale of a conflict with the Nightsisters of Dathomir, after stealing a burial pod of a dead Nightsister. The Nightsister Zeldin was then chosen to practice magick in order to seek revenge against Darth Caldoth. Zeldin reached out telepathically to influence the Sith Lord, however, Darth Caldoth was aware of her presence, and trapped Zeldin in a cage in his own mind. During a battle on Kizan, Caldoth purposefully allowed Jedi Master Bran Ath'Morath's lightsaber to pierce himself through the shoulder, beheading the Jedi while Bran was still shocked at what Caldoth had done. The Sith Lord also tricked the Jedi Pelopy Vus into sending her own essence into a box, leaving behind her empty, dead body.

Picture from: Star Wars: Myths & Fables
Artist: Grant Griffin

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