Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Who has them all?

(no one)


IsuzuGeek said...

I actually had quite a few of those as a kid. I think I actually had Go-Bots before I ever had Transformers. I even had the Command Center, which was one of my favorite toys and has long been on my list to own again. COP-TUR and CY-KILL were probably my favorite figures...again...all were lost in the giant garage sale of 1988. :(

Anonymous said...

yeeeaaah, Bay didn't destroy Transformers. it was bound to hit the screen at some time, bound to have a bunch of "human element" bullshit to appeal to a wider audience, bound to have something for someone to bitch about instead of overall appreciate. :-/

but just seeing the transforming like how it is in Bay's films are worth it. i hope that in the middle of this upcoming series of them, that they just strip down the human element to what it always was:

barely there and only as a plot device.

but, then again, i can separate the problems and put them aside to say, "you know... Xmen 3 and Spiderman 3 weren't the worst films ever made."

Jim said...

I can only speak for myself, and for ME Bay did indeed destroy Transformers.

I agree that the transforming scenes are pretty awesome, but its not enough for me to love the movies. I can stomach the first one, but after that they are unwatchable... FOR ME.

What I hate the most are terrible stories and the boring robot designs. Outside of Prime and Bumblebee, I can barely make out who's who... they become garbled, generic, boring robot designs for the most part. Give me the actual recognizable characters, not 100% boring redesigns.

In the end, I find the movies to be bad stories and bad storytelling. And those are things that matter to me when judging a film.

It all comes down to personal preferences and opinions.