Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Just a thought....... back when JOE QUESADA became Editor-In-Chief at Marvel, during interviews he would continuously refer to DC Comic as "AOL COMICS" because they were owned by AOL Time Warner (and not themselves): "What the fuck is DC anyway?...They'd be better off calling it AOL Comics. At least people know what AOL is." (link)

Like I said, he would do this at almost any chance given.

Now that Marvel is owned by DISNEY...


Unknown said...

He'll probably be reeaally quiet for a while...

Simon Magnus said...

no he wont and this move really isnt as big a deal for the quality of marvel comics-but its a much larger deal for there movies. This means the money/quality will skyrocket and the distribution/marketing bonanza will begin. Im sure that this is more for the movies than the comics. and imo Joey Q is a douche who came in saved marvel, and now has run it into the ground. This phoenix rebirth BS is why I have a love/hate with marvel. It seems like books are good for like three years then poof terrible. (daredevil being the exception) Thats why im a bigger DC fan-at least I know my stories will always be mediocre